Allergies are an evil thing. I remember when I turned 7 and had my first allergic reaction. I was not sure why it had happened. I had gone to my basement to go pick up something for my mom. A swollen tongue, red burning eyes, a weird feeling in my ear, and two injections later, I was back to normal again. Again, I did not know the cause, so I went back into my basement just to have the process repeat again. The doctor told me the reason was that I had an allergic reaction to something, and after some deliberation, we came to the conclusion that it was something in my basement.We investigated this, and found out that there was a lot of mold in our basement. Enough to cause me to have a life threatening allergic reaction. That is how I got into the search for dehumidifiers. These machines have saved my life time and time again, as it helps to remove mold and create a comfortable living situation.
This list of the best 70-pint dehumidifiers was created to help you create a safe house for you and your family. Mold is dangerous and dehumidifiers can help to mitigate the risk that comes along with it.
Why Should You Trust Us
We have spent the past four years of researching and creating reports concerning the best possible dehumidifiers. Please see our attached report and reviews so that you can have a complete understanding of your best 70 pint dehumidifier options. We have considered over 15 70-pint dehumidifiers and tested them to find out their best qualities. The customers are the best part of any company, and we appreciate you. That is why we have made this list of the best 70 pint dehumidifier reviews that is straight to the point, to help you make a quick and efficient decision concerning the purchase of these life saving devices.
We spent 55 hours on web research and reporting; this involved dissecting the reviews that customers posted and also physically testing tools in different locations with mold to find out exactly how well these machines work.
Our purpose in totality was to create a list that is spot on for any person wishing to purchase a high quality dehumidifier. We do not wish to support any particular machine or brand; as a company we pride ourselves on recommending the greatest possible product. While going through our best 70 pint dehumidifier reviews you will find that we value integrity highly, and that is reflected in our attached report which lists several of the truly great qualities of the products.
With this in mind, please utilize our list to help you determine the right machine for you. We truly believe the machines listed on here are the top of the line for 70-pint dehumidifiers.
How to Measure the Right Pint Capacity for Your Dehumidifier
Before you buy your dehumidifier, you must first measure the square footage (or square meterage) of your room. This is important because it will factor in to the equation of the correct capacity of your dehumidifier. You must also determine how damp the conditions are in the room you’re going to be using your dehumidifier in. Basements, for example, are generally damper than bedrooms.
Moderately damp spaces necessitate dehumidifiers that can extract 10 pints (around 4.73 L) of water from a 500 sq. ft. (46.45 sq. m) room. For each additional 500 sq. ft. (46.45 sq. m), add 4 pints (around 1.89 L) of water to the equation. For example, if your room is 1000 sq. ft., you will need a dehumidifier that can extract 14 pints (6.62 L) of water.
Get a dehumidifier which can take out 12 pints (around 5.67 L) of water for every 500 sq. ft. (46.45 sq. m) for very damp conditions. For each extra 500 sq. ft. (46.45 sq. m), an additional 5 pints (2.36 L) is necessary.
If you have extremely wet conditions in your area, purchase a dehumidifier that extracts 16 pints (7.57 L) of water for every 500 sq. ft. (46.45 sq. m). You will need to add 7 pints (3.31 L) for every additional 500 sq. ft. (46.45 sq. m).
Now that you know what is the right pint capacity of the dehumidifier you are going to purchase, you can consider having a look on our reviews of other dehumidifiers depending on your requirements. In this article, we will be only reviewing top five 70 pint dehumidifiers:
What is Our Recommended CFM & ACH?
CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute)
CFM refers to cubic ft. per minute. It measures how much a fan or other gear can move. Moisture can only be eliminated if air is moved through the machine. For instance, if your CFM is 0, the air is not being moved. Therefore, your machine isn’t dehumidifying the room. To calculate the CFM, multiply the cubic square footage by the ACH value. Then divide that number by 60 (minutes). If your machine does not have enough CFM, then purchase two.
ACH (Air Changes Per Hour)
ACH means air charges per hour. It measures how many times air should be circulated through the dehumidifier each hour. ACH states the necessary airflow required to properly dry the space. Below are the ACH recommendations based on humidity levels:
Very Wet:
When the humidity levels are at 90-100%, you might see puddles or large areas of standing water. ACH 6 is recommended for such conditions.
The humidity levels at 80-90%. You have wet spots, visible stains, mildew, or mold. ACH 5 is recommended for such conditions.
Extremely Damp:
The humidity levels at 70-80%. There is moisture on the floor or walls, or a mildew scent. ACH 4 is recommended for such conditions.
The humidity levels at 60-70%. The space smells musty and feels damp, as is normal for crawlspaces and basements. ACH 3 is recommended for such conditions.
What is a 70-pint Dehumidifier?
A 70-pint dehumidifier is a machine that removes up 70 pints of harmful mold producing moisture from the air per day. This is an impressive feat for a machine because it can cover over 2500 square feet, which is great enough to cover an entire residential basement area.
These dehumidifiers tend to come with some great additional accessories including digital screen displays and automated programmable settings. This allows you to preset these machines so that it can run properly and effectively to run when you are not in the home.
One of the key components that we looked out for were machines that used energy efficiently. Our list of the best 70 pint dehumidifier reviews shows that these machines are heavy energy drainers, meaning that they provide a great service at a price. However, this list was created with this cost in mind. So the machines listed on here are “Energy Star” approved. Making them very effective and efficient at the price paid for them.
This is a small amount to pay for your health and safety, and the machines listed on here are relatively lower priced.
How to Find the Best Dehumidifier for You
The size of the dehumidifier you require depends on the size of the room and the level of the humidity you are trying to de-moisturize or de-mold. Naturally, a room that consistently maintains high levels of humidity will require a much higher sized dehumidifier to effectively control the moisture levels.
On the other hand, if you just want humidity stability, a low capacity dehumidifier would be much better. These smaller sized machines tend to be much more portable and you are able to move them from small room to small room easily. That makes it very effective and efficient for that size.
Indoor temperatures are important to consider when shopping for the best dehumidifiers, because the room temperature must determine which machine works best for you. Many of the dehumidifiers require minimal temperature controls, relying on what the room temperature may be.
If you want to control humidity levels in a cooler room, like a cellar, then you will need to select a dehumidifier that can handle these temperatures without ruining or freezing the refrigerated coils. This is key because getting the right machines guarantee that you will be able to use your machine effectively and efficiently for a long time. Each machine is good for specific situations and must be used for the right situation.
Things to Consider When Choosing a Good 70 pint Dehumidifier
There are several things to look out for when considering how to get the right dehumidifier for your specific needs. The following five points are what we believe are the best possible things to look out for when buying a dehumidifier: Area, Water Removal, Energy Performance, Price, and extra features. Please feel free to check out our attached report to see how well each product performed based on our five point scale.
The area for which you are utilizing this machine is very important, because the area determines the right kind of machine you want to purchase. Purchasing a machine that does not cover the proper surface area is detrimental to your removal of mold and moisture. So this is a critical asset for each dehumidifier you try to purchase. The area it covers must be conducive to your goals.
Removing Water:
Most experts agree that most dehumidifiers collect large amounts of water in very wet or damp condition. This means that you must empty the internal bucket regularly. There are draining units that most of the dehumidifiers come with that allows you to remove water without actually taking out the internal buckets; which can be somewhat complicated at times.
Others come with an internal pump feature which can pump water into a sink. That is an alternative way if you do not wish to constantly empty the internal bucket, or you do not have the draining function with your machine. Either way, you need a way to efficiently and easily remove water which can damage your system.
Energy Performance:
These machines create great value, however this comes at a cost. There is a great energy cost associated with picking the wrong machine that is not efficient at utilizing energy. The key component that we looked out for and which you should also look out for is an “Energy Star”recommendation which pretty much guarantees it works with your energy cost in mind. Besides, proper usage and maintenance can enhance the longevity of the machine while keeping the performance and energy efficiency intact.
Pricing is critical for anything you want to buy. The consumer wants a machine that is priced low and provides great value. The price of the machines on this list are well priced and provide amazing value. Please review our attached report to see the comparison between features and pricing in order to pick the right dehumidifier for yourself.
Extra Features:
Each machine must come with awesome extra features including internal pumps, direct drain, automatic-humidistat, and auto reset, defrost or temperature settings. These add more flavor to the machines and are absolutely critical to making dehumidifying an easy and efficient process.
Benefits of 70 pint Dehumidifier
Here is a list of some of the major and minor benefits of using a dehumidifier in your home.
- Mold, Mildew, and Odors: These machines remove all forms of molds, mildews and odors from large sized home spaces or business spaces. Mold and mildew are known to cause massive breathing issues for children and adults. Also, mold induces the symptoms of asthma which can be mitigated by a dehumidifier.
- Excessive moisture: These machines tend to protect stored items from being damaged by excessive moisture when the instructions call for room temperature. You cannot control the temperature outside but you can definitely influence the indoor temperature for protecting your items.
- Removal of Moisture from Air: Dehumidifiers tend be required in places with high moisture buildup, so think garages and attics and cellars. These areas tend to allow the moisture to seep through into the house which can cost you the ability to breathe.
- Dehumidifiers help to maintain equilibrium recommended Relative Humidity Level at 50% in the summer and the recommended 30% in the winter.
How We Picked and Tested
We researched about 15 pieces of dehumidifiers deeply in order to come up with this extensive list of the best 70 pint dehumidifier reviews to help you decide what works best for your needs. We spent approximately 4 years researching and creating reports concerning the positives and negatives for each of the items. Please look at our attached report to see some of the work we did.
None of these products are even close to perfection; however they are the best on the market we have found. The key to remember is that companies are always looking for methods to improve on already existing technology. We are certain that they will create something new at a great price and with excellent value. Do not worry, we are always on the look-out to find the best machines when they become available.
We spent close to two months using these products in different locations to find out how efficiently and effectively they were operating. It takes time to observe the true nature of a dehumidifier, and understanding this we invited interested experts to help us decide whether they were working well or not.
We used all these top reviewed machines under the exact same conditions and watched carefully every day, collecting data.
The other things we looked out for was how difficult and painful it was to clean these top rated machines and how to drain the water out of them. Some of the machines on the market are incredibly difficult to clean and that is not what the average consumer would like.
With these things in mind we picked the best and most effective 70 pint dehumidifiers on the market, and we hope you will find it very helpful. Please feel free to follow us on social media and check out our attached report to see exactly what we found out.
Our Top Five Product List
We have analyzed 32 of the most important features for each of the products that we have selected. Our research is available for free for anyone who joins us on our social media pages.
Without further ado, we will present the reasons for the pick we think is the best, followed by an honest review of one of the best 70 pint products. We hope that you find this helpful.
Our Pick: Frigidaire FAD704DWD Energy Star 70 pint Dehumidifier
Affordably Antibacterial

Frigidaire FAD704DWD Dehumidifier
Healthier Air with this Frigidaire
Frigidaire FAD704DWD Energy Star Dehumidifier
With the greatest bacteria-removing capabilities available this perpetual-emptying Frigidaire can run indefinitely for a healthier home with little interference at a great price.
Why this product is Our Pick:
The Frigidaire FAD704DWD is our pick for the best possible product on the market. It has a combination of the best features along with a wonderful price. Below is a deeper list of reasons for why it is OUR PICK.
- We have analyzed 32 features of this product and it possess the maximum number of positive features that each dehumidifier must have. This product can be operated in a low temperature setting and saves money and energy. The producers of this top rated machine created this product with energy conservation in mind and the machine does not fail in that aspect. It also comes with a drain feature which makes removing water incredibly easy and quick. Further, it possesses a 24 hour on/off timer setting which allows it operate for an extensive amount of time without interruption; which helps with the conservation of energy.
- It falls within the affordable range with a price between $210 and $250, making it one of the more worthy products on the market. This is important because pricing is everything; this machine gives you a great amount of value for an affordable price.
- Rating frequency is a key aspect in determining how well a product is performing on the market and how much consumers in general like its quality. The faster a product is rated, the faster consumers are using it, meaning that it is well loved in the market place. This product received its first 10 ratings in 1 day, an impressive feat. It received its second set of 10 reviews in the next 3 days after that, and then its 3rd 10 ratings in a matter of 4 days, bringing up the total to 30 reviews in 8 days.
There are not very many products on the market that boast this kind of feedback in that short amount of time. This is an impressive product. - The most impressive quality of this dehumidifier must be its antibacterial mesh filter. This is an important piece of technology that helps reduce the existence of bacteria in the room as moisture is removed from the air. This feature by itself makes it a top 3 product on the market without even looking at anything else it can do.
Detailed Review:
This Frigidaire FAD704DWD is our pick because of the several reasons mentioned above. It is important to note that these reasons are not the only reasons why this top rated machine is one of the best 70 pint dehumidifiers on the market. Please take a look at our attached report to find out more about the features included. Below is an honest review of this product and how exactly it ranks on our five point measurement scale.
This machine covers up to an area of 1400 square feet. It is more of a smaller machine that covers a smaller space and collects a greater deal of moisture.
This machine does not necessarily have the most coverage area but it is incredibly effective in smaller spaces.
Removing Water:
The FAD704DWD comes with a continuous pump that works consistently when the unit is near a drain. This is key, because it makes the cleaning process increasingly very easy. The perpetual state of water pumping allows the draining process to happen quickly and easily so that all that is left is only a little bit of cleaning. This is an amazing machine for this very reason.
Energy Performance:
With this machine what you get is a highly efficient machine that protects your home from mildew and mold caused by moisture. It is a low temperature, energy saving machine that saves you a ton of money. With the included technology this machine is capable of running all day without any kind of action on your part.
The automation of this continuous performance is what makes this product one of the best of all time.
This machine is priced on the lower end of the other machines on this list of the best 70 pint humidifier reviews. That may be for a few reasons, possibly because of the low area of moisture removal. However it is priced a little bit higher than it should be because of the extra anti-bacterial mesh filter which removes bacteria from the air as well.
Extra Features:
This machine comes with effortless humidity control that allows you to determine the right percentage of humidity for the effectiveness you require.
The anti-bacterial mesh filter included, this machine turns out to be the greatest on the market. It removes disease inducing bacteria from the house, which is critical for preventing diseases.
- The Anti-bacteria mesh filter.
- The perpetual ability to remove water automatically.
- Humidity control is feasible.
- This machine is well priced.
- Area of operation is not big.
Runner Up: Frigidaire FFAD7033R1 70-Pint Dehumidifier with Effortless Humidity Control
Effortless Energy Star

Frigidaire FFAD7033R1 70-Pint Dehumidifier
Effective and Efficient Air Antibiotic
Frigidaire FFAD7033R1 70-Pint Dehumidifier
Maintaining humidity records so you can program it most effectively, this Energy Star Frigidaire empties itself and removes bacteria in the home as well as the moisture.
Why this product is Runner Up Pick:
The attached report will indicate that this product and our very own pick are very similar in all aspects except the amount of water they can hold inside. This is key; the reservoir capacity contained in this machine is a lot less than our pick. That is one of the key differences, however beyond that this machine is considerably better than most other products on the market, making it one of the most effective machines the market; an impressive feat.
The FFAD7033R1 is priced a little higher than our own pick, however the benefits that come along with it are very highly advanced.
The price you pay for a product and how much value you get from it is critical. This machine is definitely worth it on that note because it provides great service for a low price.
The frequency of ratings on this product is a lot faster than our pick, which is incredibly interesting. It is possibly one of best products on this list of the best 70 pint humidifier reviews and it deserves second place, if not first. Out of the first 30 ratings that this product received, the first 10 came in 1 day, 2nd 10 in another day and the 3rd 10 reviews in 2 days. This is very impressive, to receive 30 reviews in 4 days is half the days of our top pick. People truly love this product for the value it provides and that is amazing.
Just as our own pick, this machine comes with the antibacterial mesh filter that removes bacteria from the air. This filtration process is something Frigidaire prides itself on, and this FFAD7033R1 70-Pint does it incredibly well.
This helps eliminate a great deal of disease producing air, which could play out badly for anyone who is a mouth breather. Any family with an asthmatic child must take interest in this humidifier in order to avoid making the sickness worse.
Detailed Review:
The Frigidaire FFAD7033R1 is loved a great deal by the customers who purchased it, according to our research. With that rating frequency we can assume that this product performs highly efficiently and effectively. Below is an honest review of this machine and how it performs on our highly acclaimed five point scale. Please review our attached report and find out more of the awesome features that come with this product.
There is no set area for which this machine removes moisture. However, we can assume that because it is incredibly close to the specifications of our pick, that it covers about the same range or area as our top pick, meaning it is not necessarily the highest range in terms of removing excess moisture from the air.
Removing Water:
The FFAD7033R1 allows for continuous operation because it has a pump that drains water automatically if left close to a suitable drain. This makes cleaning extremely easy and allows you to quickly clean the machine without much stress.
This is one of the amazing features provided by Frigidaire because the company understands that cleaning the machines can be extremely annoying and tedious.
Energy Performance:
This is a low temperature operation machine that saves energy and money. Frigidaire creates machines that are Energy Star approved and are known for conserving energy and cutting electricity costs especially when you need to run the machine all day for your own purposes.
This machine gives you a great value at the price at which it’s sold. It gives you a great value in terms of the bacteria removal accessories which make up for the slightly higher price at which it is listed.
Extra Features:
The Frigidaire FFAD7033R1 comes with a bacteria eliminator from the air while it dehumidifies the designated area. This works very well in removing all the disgusting bacteria that cause lung diseases.
It also comes with digital humidity readout that allows for easier control of the timers.
- The anti-bacteria removal is amazing.
- Energy Star approved for great energy conservation.
- Water draining pump that makes cleaning easier.
- Non specific operational area.
Budget Pick: Keystone KSTAD70B 70-Pint Dehumidifier
Budgeted Buy

Keystone KSTAD70B 70-Pint Dehumidifier
Enormous Energy Star on a Budget
Keystone KSTAD70B 70-Pint Dehumidifier
This Keystone unit not only covers a huge 4500sf it saves you energy and effort. Continuous drain option and settings-saving auto-shutoff and restart at a little over $200.
Why this product is Budget Pick:
This product is surprisingly not the lowest priced amongst all the products that we have on this list of the best 70 pint dehumidifier reviews. In fact it is the second lowest priced machine on this list of the best 70 pint dehumidifier reviews, however it possesses the greatest effectiveness amongst the lowest priced dehumidifiers on the market and on this list of the 5 best 70 pint dehumidifier reviews. The Keystone KSTAD70B has amazing features for a very low price and covers a very wide range making it awesome for the price it costs.
This machine covers up to 4500 square feet which is a great deal more than our pick and the runner up pick. This is important because for a cheaper price it covers a much wider area of operation.
It also comes with an auto shut off and auto restart capability that can save your preferred settings during a power outage. It is very easy to clean and comes with a simple removable dust filter with a clean filter alert that lets you know it is time to clean out your dehumidifier.
In terms of rating frequency, this machine is not on the level of the initial two we reviewed, which are our pick and the runner up pick. This does not make it any less impressive however; the top two picks on our list are incredibly amazing in terms of how quickly they were reviewed.
This machine was rated 10 times in the first 7 days, followed by 10 more reviews in the next 10 days and the last 10 ratings in just 2 days. This is critical because this is the normal rate at which products are reviewed; our pick and the runner up pick are actually freaks in this category because it is very rare for any product on the market to receive 30 reviews in less than 10 days.
The Keystone KSTAD70B comes with electronic controls with LED display and 24 hour timer which is very rare within this price range.
That is why this model is our budget pick. It is second lowest priced on this list of the best 70 pint dehumidifier reviews but offers a wonderful value in return, much more valuable than the lowest priced item on this list of the best 70 pint dehumidifiers review!
Detailed Review:
The Keystone is a personal favorite of mine because of the awesome price and benefits that it provides. The value it provides and the price charged are not congruent because they should definitely be charging more for this product. The following is a helpful and honest review of the budget pick.
This machine covers a range up to 4500 square feet. It is perfect for spacious areas with lots of moisture to be removed. It removes up to 70 pints of excess moisture in the air in dry roomy areas.
The garage, attic, and basements are the best places to utlize these machines and allow them to run to their fullest capacity thus making this range what makes it one of the most awesome machines on the market at the moment.
Removing Water:
This machine comes with a continuous draining option so long as you can get a standard garden hose. This allows the machine to work continuously for an extended period of time and with the draining function all that needs to happen is to change the filter.
The Keystone also comes with an easy to read indicator of water level that allows you to know if you need to remove the water bucket if you do not have a hose to utilize the automatic draining factor.
Energy Performance:
The Keystone KSTAD70B 70-Pint Dehumidifier can run all day and conserve enough energy to save you tons on your energy bill.
It is Energy Star approved and that means it saves you a lot of money.
The price range is between $200 and $230 and that is very good for a machine that can collect moisture up to 4500 square feet. This is a critical ability for this machine because that is where all the value comes in. It provides three times as much area of moisture collection as our pick. That makes its value worth more than the cost of the product.
Extra Features:
This machine comes with an LED display for feasible control and a 24-hour timer that alerts you when the cycle is done.
These two things, combined with the draining function, make this machine worth the price.
- Great value at a very low price.
- Great water draining functions.
- The range of operation is incredible.
- The power conservation could be a lot better.
Best For Beginners : Ivation 70-Pint Energy Star Dehumidifier
Beginner's Luck

Ivation 70-Pint Energy Star Dehumidifier
Silent Simple Setup, Energy Efficient
Ivation 70-Pint Energy Star Dehumidifier
Massive 4500sf coverage along with easy programming, constant drain option, auto-shutoff and frost sensor make this energy saver from Ivation a back saver as well at $250-300.
Why is this product Best For Beginners?
As you can tell from our research report you can see that this product is the easiest to use amongst every other dehumidifier ranked on this list. Months of testing and research helped us determine that this machine in particular was best for first time dehumidifier customers. It has some of the most important features that we looked out for.
The contemporary electronic controls with LED display make it easy to program the humidity settings and it comes with a quiet two-speed fan. This makes for an awesome machine that is quiet and works autonomously without much direction from you.
This machine is incredibly easy to clean because of the awesome removable filter and the intelligent dehumidifier that can operate continuously if placed near a suitable direct-draining system. It also has environmentally Eco-Friendly features that make it great for the planet.
This product is not the most expensive or the least expensive on this list of the best 70 pint dehumidifier reviews but it comes with enough value to make it worth it.
Rating wise, this product was reviewed 30 times in a total of 53 days, which makes it a normal machine. It cannot be compared to our pick and our runner up picks though. Our pick and our runner pick are unicorns in the review department. However this machine is well loved: in under 2 months it received a great deal of positive reviews. That makes it one of the most quickly and highly rated products on the market.
Our research proved that this machine is easy to operate, much easier to operate than any other machines on the market. It comes with an automatic restart function in case there is a power failure or outage.
It also has Eco-efficient and auto-defrost options that prevent wasted energy and protect the evaporator coils.
Detailed Review
This machine is well known for making it easy for people to use. The experts we tested these machines with rave about the ease of use. The following is an honest review of this machine and how it plays out on our five point scale. Please review our attached report to see more of why it is a great machine.
This machine can penetrate up to a distance of 4500 square feet. This is important because it allows you to collect excess moisture for a great range. Most customers would argue that it works best in a basement type setting or an attic type setting.
It picks up moisture very effectively and many customers rave about that quality.
Removing Water:
This machine contains a 1.3 gallon removable tank that is easily removable and convenient to carry for emptying.
However, it also has a hose connection that allows you to easily drain the water from the machine.
Energy Performance:
This machine is very compact, making it very portable. It also is very powerful; great things come in small sizes. This is an Eco-friendly machine that comes with energy saving technology. It is incredibly green and works very well in keeping pollution to a minimum.
This machine is priced between $250 and $300 and it comes with very many valuable accessories that make up for the price that is charged.
The range it can cover is amazing and that by itself is worthy of the price you pay for it.
Extra Features:
This is a quiet machine that comes with a hose hookup and frost sensor. This frost sensor is completely necessary in order to protect the evaporator coils from being destroyed in cooler temperatures.
It also comes with a safety auto-shutoff that is triggered when the reservoir fills to its greatest level.
- This machine is Eco-friendly.
- It covers a wide range.
- The frost sensor and hose hookup are incredibly important.
- The price could be lower for the value it provides.
5. BLACK + DECKER BDT 70 PWT 70 Pint Energy Star Portable Dehumidifier with Built-in Pump review
Frost-Free Freedom

BLACK + DECKER Energy Star Portable Dehumidifier
No Drain No Heat No Problem
BLACK + DECKER Energy Star Portable Dehumidifier
Highly portable unit covering 1000's of square feet, this Black & Decker won't quit in the cold. Auto- defrost, shutoff, and restart functions along with pump for $200-260 range.
This machine by Black and Decker is the fifth best machine on the market by our standards. Please review our attached report to find out more of what makes this Black and Decker BDT70PWT one of our top 5 products. The following is an honest review of this product and why it made our list.
There is no set range for this dehumidifier. However, we can safely assume from the tests we conducted and the reviews from the customers who purchased this product that it covers a higher range than our pick but a lesser range than our budget pick. This is simply something we discovered while testing out these machines with the help of the experts we conducted this research with.
Removing Water:
This machine has an internal pump that removes water to the external receptacle. There is an easily removable water tank that can conveniently be removed and easily transported to a place you can empty it. This machine is not necessarily the best in terms of water extraction but it does have the ability to make water removal feasible.
Energy Performance:
This machine can run for an upwards of 24 hours collecting up to 70 pints of moisture. It is great because it runs on a 3 speed fan and still conserves enough energy to run the moisture elimination aspect of the machine. Black and Decker are known for creating great machines that conserve energy.
This machine is priced between $200 and $260 and offers a great value for such a price.
The energy conservation and its perceived range through our research make it a fantastic option for anyone wanting to disregard our top 4 picks without giving up too much quality.
Extra Features:
The Black and Decker Dehumidifier comes with auto-restart, auto-shutoff, and auto-defrost functions that keep your machine incredibly well maintained and make sure you are not overusing your energy. This is a great alternative machine for removing excess moisture.
- It has a 3 speed fan.
- Comes with Auto-Shutoff, Auto-restart, and auto-defrost technology which make your machine run to perfection.
- No predetermined range of moisture collection.
- The price could be a lot less.
List of other products we tested
- Friedrich D70BP 70 Pint Dehumidifier with built-in drain pump>>> 12 Positive Features as seen on our research report
- Ivation 70 Pint Energy Star Dehumidifier>>> 18 Positive Features as seen on our research report
- BLACK+DECKER BDT70WT 70 Pint Energy Star Portable Dehumidifier>>> 16 Positive Features as seen on our research report
- BLACK+DECKER BDT70PWT 70 Pint Energy Star Portable Dehumidifier with Built-in Pump>>> 18 Positive Features as seen on our research report
- Whynter RPD-702WP Energy Star Portable Dehumidifier with Pump>>> 13 Positive Features as seen on our research report
Wrapping it Up:
We hope that you found this list of the best 70 pint dehumidifier reviews extremely helpful. We took a great amount of time to figure all of this out for you because this is something that we personally care about extremely. The machines we have listed on here are what we truly believe are the best possible dehumidifiers on the market.
There are several reasons why you need a dehumidifier. Some of these reasons include preventing harmful bacteria that cause asthma and cause asthma to become inflamed. It also prevents lung cancer which is known to be caused by mold and mildew. These things affect breathing in a way most people do not realize. Again, dehumidifiers reduce allergic issues significantly, especially for those with respiratory problems.
Please feel free to follow us on social media and join us in discussions about anything we may have missed. Find our attached report and get the research results in order to help you make a more informed decision.